Programming in C # and .NET environment
The main purpose of the training is to provide participants with the skills and ability to create different applications using the C # language and a variety of technologies and frameworks
Training is held in English.
The training provides an overview of the C # language, .NET and .NET Core platforms, and various programming frameworks and development tools. As a result, participants can create desktop and web applications. The participants will get acquainted with many different tools needed by developers and will acquire practical skills in using, for example, Visual Studio, VS Code and GIT-based code repositories/storages. The training also provides knowledge of the operating principles of databases and other repositories/storages and the corresponding interfaces.
Attendees will create – personally or in group – some desktop- and web application during the training.
Target audience:
Anyone who wants to acquire strong basic knowledge of .NET technology, which is currently in demand in the Estonian labor market, and start programming in the C # programming language is welcome to attend the training.
Prerequisites to the course (recommended): Basic computer skills, web application usage experience, sincere will and interest are required to participate in the training. Previous programming experience is also beneficial.
The training topics and description:
1st WEEK
- 1st day
- introduction and overview of programming and development in general
- tools, workplace preparation and configuration
- Visual Studio 2022 (or 2019)
- Using GIT and repositories
- VS & GIT integration
- VS Code
- VS Session sharing
- application, solution, project, source files, diferent kind of apps
- 1st app Hello World. C# syntax overview
- names in C#
- preparing your home computer and installing the necessary software
- 2nd day
- data types and data structures
- properties of datatypes and main methods
- most common types of conversations
- .Net classes, collections and structures
- common programming structures
- branches (if, switch)
- loops (for, while, do, foreach)
- independent practice (on-site and at home)
- data types and data structures
- 3th day
- file- and IO operations
- review, summary and independent work (on-site and at home)
- 4th day
- Object-oriented world
- Classes, instances, objects, class members
- methods, functions, properties
- constructors
- class inheritance, subclasses, method inheritance
- generic collections, collections based on types
- personal excercises and practice on-site and at home
- 5th day
- working with data and databases
- data presentation as files – CSV, JSON, XML
- Extensions
- LINQ – Language integrated Query (LINQ)
- streams, operations with streams
- binary files, Pictures, etc …
- text encodings
- home excercise for weekend
2nd week
- 6th day
- overview of home excercise
- Windows app – Win Form, WPF etc
- independent practice
- 7th day
- Creation of Web Application
- different web apps – overview
- choosing a practical task as an independent or group work and planning of application architecture
- Creation of Web Application
- 8th and 9th day
- working with application, additional topics
- 10th day
- Summary. Presentation of created application
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Program at the elementary level and create ready-made applications.
- Deploy, pack and debug applications
- Use at least one Interactive Development Environment (IDE)
- Work with code repositories (GIT), versions and branches
- Understand at least two or three additional development languages (SQL, CSS, HTML, JavaScript)
- Work with data – both on database, file system or ORM (object-relation-mapping) level (Entity Framework)
- Understand at least two web application frameworks (MVC, REST, Blazor) and can use them effectively
- Work both independently and in a team
During the training, the theoretical parts are combined with the solution of practical tasks to consolidate new knowledge.
The achievement of learning outcomes is assessed by independent practical work.
Henn Sarv
The training price includes:
- study materials;
- a trainer’s consultation on the topics learned, by e-mail after the training;
- certificate;
- hot drinks with cookies;
- fresh fruits.
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