Windows PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking (55039BC)
This instructor-led course is intended for IT professionals who are interested in furthering their skills in Windows PowerShell and administrative automation. The course assumes a basic working knowledge of PowerShell as an interactive command-line shell, and teaches students the correct patterns and practices for building reusable, tightly scoped units of automation.
This course is intended for administrators in a Microsoft-centric environment who want to build reusable units of automation, automate business processes, and enable less-technical colleagues to accomplish administrative tasks.
- Module 1: Tool Design
- Module 2: Start with a Command
- Module 3: Build a Basic Function and Module
- Module 4: Adding CmdletBinding and Parameterizing
- Module 5: Emitting Objects as Output
- Module 6: An Interlude: Changing Your Approach
- Module 7: Using Verbose, Warning, and Informational Output
- Module 8: Comment-Based Help
- Module 9: Handling Errors
- Module 10: Basic Debugging
- Module 11: Going Deeper with Parameters
- Module 12: Writing Full Help
- Module 13: Unit Testing Your Code
- Module 14: Extending Output Types
- Module 15: Analyzing Your Script
- Module 16: Publishing Your Tools
- Module 17: Basic Controllers: Automation Scripts and Menus
- Module 18: Proxy Functions
- Module 19: Working with XML Data
- Module 20: Working with JSON Data
- Module 21: Working with SQL Server Data
- Module 22: Final Exam
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Describe the correct patterns for building modularized tools in Windows PowerShell
- Build highly modularized functions that comply with native PowerShell patterns
- Build controller scripts that expose user interfaces and automate business processes
- Manage data in a variety of formats
- Write automated tests for tools
- Debug tools
Learning methods: Practical exercise, independent work.
Assesment methods: Execution of independent work.
Assesment form: Independent practical tasks on relevant topics.
Neeme Kaalep
BCS Koolituse lektor, konsultant ja Microsofti nii maapealsete-, kui ka pilvetehnoloogiate arhitekt. Kvalifikatsioon: 20+ aastat tehnilise spetsialisti töökogemus väikses kui ka suurettevõttes, millest 6 aastat staaži ka Microsoft platvormil maapealse ja pilve arhitektina. Microsofti poolt sertifitseeritud koolitaja aastast 2017
Price includes: Coffee breaks and lunch.
Koolitusfirma tutvustus
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