Web Performance Optimizaton
The main goal of the course is to gain a strong skill in improving the performance of the website or web application.
Having a fast and reliable website or a service is desired by everyone and provides a good user experience. But not every website is fast enough. That’s why having eough knowledge of performance optimization is essential for developers. In this 2-day course we will introduce you how to improve the performance of your website. We will talk about critical paths that every browser should take to render your different web pages. We will discuss about different tools to monitor your performance and will explore different strategies to deliver the first pixels to the screen as fast as possible. Plus, we will work with different dev. tools such as Google chrome developer tools to see what is exactly happening in our website.
Prerequisites: familiar with using different design softwares
Target Group: Web developers both frontend/backend.
- The reasons why your website gets slow
- Identification of the problems which makes your website slow
- Different ways of solving the issues regarding the web speed
- Different tools which can be used to trace your website
- Using different tools to audit your website
- Google chrome deep dive
- Things you still don’t know about VS code
- The modern web programming
- Who uses framework anymore?
- Modern HTML,CSS,JS techniques to solve the common problems
- Introduction to CSS flexbox and grids
- Writing a clean code
Learning methods: Practical exercise, independent work.
Assesment methods: Execution of independent work.
Assesment form: Independent practical tasks on relevant topics
After finishing this course student has the ability to:
- Know different steps in solving a performance lack
- Know the different tools used to optimize the performance of a website or web application
- Make their website work more fluid
- Make performance enhancement in I/O
- Create a better more reliable web application/website
Amir Zare Pashaei
Lektor/konsultant/MCT. Valdkond: Veebi- ja tarkvaraarendus (HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript, Typescript, C#.NET, C++, ASP.NET, Visual Basic, MySQL, SQL Server, NodeJS, Angular 4, Android, iOS, macOS)
See the web portfolio of lecturer here: Amir Zare Pashaei
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