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Administering System Center Configuration Manager (MOC#20703-1BC)

This four-day course describes how to use Configuration Manager and its associated site systems to efficiently manage network resources.

In this four-day course, you will learn day-to-day management tasks, including how to manage applications, client health, hardware and software inventory, operating system deployment, and software updates by using Configuration Manager. You also will learn how to optimize System Center Endpoint Protection, manage compliance, and create management queries and reports. Additionally, this course, in conjunction with Microsoft Official Course 20703-2B, helps certification candidates prepare for Exam 70-703: Administering System Center Configuration Manager and Cloud Services Integration.

Target audience:
This course is for experienced information technology (IT) professionals, typically described as Enterprise Desktop Administrators (EDAs). These EDAs deploy, manage, and maintain PCs, devices, and applications across medium, large, and enterprise organizations. A significant portion of this audience uses, or intends to use, the latest release of Configuration Manager to manage and deploy PCs, devices, and applications.

This course also is for individuals who are interested in taking Exam 70-703: Administering System Center Configuration Manager and Cloud Services Integration. Courses 20703-1B and 20703-2B, or equivalent knowledge and skills, are necessary to prepare for this exam.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the features Configuration Manager and Intune include, and explain how you can use these features to manage PCs and mobile devices in an enterprise environment.
  • Analyze data by using queries and reports.
  • Prepare a management infrastructure, including configuring boundaries, boundary groups, and resource discovery, and integrating mobile-device management with Microsoft Exchange Server.
  • Deploy and manage the Configuration Manager client.
  • Configure, manage, and monitor hardware and software inventory, and use Asset Intelligence and software metering.
  • Identify and configure the most appropriate method to distribute and manage content used for deployments.
  • Distribute, deploy, and monitor applications for managed users and systems.
  • Maintain software updates for PCs that Configuration Manager manages.
  • Implement Endpoint Protection for managed PCs.
  • Manage configuration items, baselines, and profiles to assess and configure compliance settings and data access for users and devices.
  • Configure an operating-system deployment strategy by using Configuration Manager.
  • Manage and maintain a Configuration Manager site.

Õppemeetod: Praktilised harjutused, iseseisev töö.

Hindamismeetod: Iseseisvate tööde sooritamine.

Hindamiskriteerium: Õpiväljundite saavutamist kontrollitakse läbi iseseisva praktilise töö.

Neeme Kaalep
BCS Koolituse lektor, konsultant ja Microsofti nii maapealsete-, kui ka pilvetehnoloogiate arhitekt. Kvalifikatsioon: 20+ aastat tehnilise spetsialisti töökogemus väikses kui ka suurettevõttes, millest 6 aastat staaži ka Microsoft platvormil maapealse ja pilve arhitektina. Microsofti poolt sertifitseeritud koolitaja aastast 2017

Hind sisaldab vabalt valitud Microsofti sertifitseerimiseksami sooritamise võimalust 6 kuu jooksul peale kursusel osalemist.

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Administering System Center Configuration Manager (MOC#20703-1BC)