Scrum Product Owner Certification course (CSPO)
The Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) course will help a Product Owner to understand Scrum and the Product Owner role.
Target audience:
This is a two-day course intended for product owners, product managers, business analysts, management and executives.
What I am going to get from this course:
- Learning Objectives (general)
- Why to use Agile? When is Scrum the right approach? When should we use some other approach? Can I combine different approaches?
- What am I expected of in the Product Owner role? How do I interact with the Development Team and the ScrumMaster, or with the stakeholders? How do I plan for future? What kind of commitments are safe to make?
- How do those commitments affect the work we do?
- Learning Objectives (specific)
- How can I effectively describe the things / features my clients and users want? How much detail is useful, and when?
- How can I get the Development Team’s feedback on risks, opportunities, effort and consequences of planned work?
- What techniques can I use to elicit needs and value information from my stakeholders? How do I keep them informed of product progress?
- Day 1
- Product ownership simulation
- Why Agile for project management and business?
- Scrum fundamentals
- Day 2
- Requirements and product backlog
- Release planning
- Elective topics
- The agenda is rough as it will be adjusted based on participant interests and the amount of questions.
Petri Heiramo He has more than 15 years of experience in projects and process improvement in IT business. Agile and Scrum have been the main focus for the last 9 years.
More information:
- Full attendance and participation in the course will result in becoming a Certified Scrum Product Owner from the Scrum Alliance. No Exam Required. See more at Scrum Alliance.
- Price includes coffee breaks and lunch in restaurant “Lusikas”
- Read more about the course from here
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