Python 3 Programming
This is a technical course that introduces the Python 3 programming language. It is an instructor led presentation and hands on exercises course using MS Windows, but is equally applicable to other platforms such as Linux.
Target audience:
This course is suitable for programmers starting new projects in Python 3, or for those porting existing applications from Python 2.
- No previous knowledge of Python is assumed, although delegates should be familiar with at least one programming language.
- Experience of another scripting language, such as Perl or PHP, will be an advantage, as will previous experience of object oriented programming.
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Python 3
- What is Python?
- What is Python 3?
- Why Python?
- Performance downsides
- The community
- Running Python interactively
- Python scripts
- Python help
- Anatomy of a Python script
- Modules
- Functions and built-ins
- Chapter 2: Fundamental Variables
- Python is Object Oriented
- Python variables
- Variable names
- Type specific methods
- Operators and type
- Augmented assignments
- Python types
- Switching types
- Python lists introduced
- Python tuples introduced
- Python dictionaries introduced
- Chapter 3: Flow Control
- Python conditionals
- Indentation
- What is truth?
- Boolean and logical operators
- Chained comparisons
- Sequence and collection tests
- Object types
- A note on Exception Handling
- While loops
- Loop control statements
- For loops
- enumerate
- Counting ‘for’ loops
- Zipping through multiple lists
- Conditional expressions
- Unconditional flow control
- Chapter 4: String Handling
- Python 3 strings
- The print function
- Cooking strings
- String concatenation
- ‘Quotes’
- String methods
- String tests
- String formatting
- Other string formatting aids
- Slicing a string
- String methods – split and join
- Chapter 5: Collections
- Python types – reminder
- Useful tuple operations
- Python lists
- Tuple and list slicing
- Extended iterable unpacking
- Adding items to a list
- Removing items by position
- Removing list items by content
- Sorting
- List methods
- Sets
- Exploiting sets
- Set operators
- Python dictionaries
- Dictionary values
- Removing items from a dictionary
- Dictionary methods
- View objects
- Chapter 6: Regular Expressions
- Python regular expressions
- Elementary extended RE meta-characters
- Regular expression objects
- Regular expression substitution
- Regular expression split
- Matching alternatives
- Anchors
- Class shortcuts
- Flags
- Repeat quantifiers
- Quantifiers
- Parentheses groups
- Back-references
- Global matches
- Chapter 7: Data Storage and File Handling
- New file objects
- Reading files into Python
- Reading tricks
- Filter programs – fileinput module
- Binary mode
- Writing to files from Python
- Standard streams
- More tricks
- Random access
- Python pickle persistence
- Pickle protocols
- Build some shelves
- Compression
- Database interface overview
- Example – SQLite from Python
- Chapter 8: Functions
- Python functions
- Function parameters
- Variadic functions
- Assigning default values to parameters
- Named (keyword) parameters
- Enforcing named parameters
- Returning objects from a function
- Variables in functions
- Nested functions
- Variables in nested functions
- Function documentation
- Lamdba functions
- Lambda as a sort key
- Lambda in re.sub
- Chapter 9: Advanced Collections
- Advanced list functions – filter
- List comprehensions
- Set and dictionary comprehensions
- Lazy lists
- Generators
- Generator objects and next – coroutines
- List comprehensions as generators
- Copying collections – problem
- Copying collections – slice solution?
- Copying collections – deepcopy solution
- Chapter 10: Modules and Packages
- What are modules and packages?
- Multiple source files
- How does Python find a module?
- Importing a module
- Importing names
- Directories as packages
- Writing a module
- Module documentation
- Testing a module
- Python debugger
- Python profiler
- Distributing libraries – distutils
- Chapter 11: Introduction to Classes and OOP
- Classes and OOP
- Object-Oriented terminology
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Using objects
- Defining classes
- Defining methods
- Constructing an object
- Special methods
- Operator overload special methods
- Properties
- Properties and decorators
- Class methods
- Inheritance
- Inheritance terminology
- Chapter 12: Error Handling and Exceptions
- Writing to stderr
- Controlling warnings
- Exception handling
- Exception syntax
- Multiple exceptions
- Exception arguments
- The finally block
- Order of execution
- The Python exception hierarchy
- A common mistake
- The raise statement
- Raising our own Exceptions
- assert
- Chapter 13: Multitasking
- Family life
- Creating a process from Python
- Old interface examples
- Waiting for a child
- Using the subprocess module
- The subprocess.Popen class
- Running a basic process
- Capturing the output
- Passing data through a pipe
- Processes and threads
- Very basic threads in Python
- Synchronization objects in threading
- The trouble with threads
- Using the multiprocessing module
- Queue objects
- Chapter 14: The Python Standard Library
- The Standard Library
- Example – converting Python 2 scripts to Py3
- Pretty Printer – a useful utility
- Operating System interfaces – os and friends
- System specific attributes – sys
- Signal handling – signal
- Converting a signal to an exception
- Configuration files
- The configparser module
- The datetime module and friends
- The platform module
- External function interface – ctypes
- The socket module
- __future__
- Other modules
At the end of the course attendees will know how to:
- use the Python interactive interpreter to write and run Python 3 programs;
- understand Python 3 language elements;
- exploit the rich library of Python libraries and modules;
- appreciate the differences between Python 2 and Python 3;
- recognize simple and complex variable types and select appropriately;
- use Python 3 operators and built-in functions;
- understand procedural control flow in Python 3;
- program file input/output, including persistent data objects;
- create well organized and efficient code using functions and modules;
- use Object Oriented programming techniques in Python 3;
- build robust applications with error trapping and reporting;
- run and control other programs from Python;
- take advantage of multi-core processors with multiprocessing.
Talesha Jarrett
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