Migrate SQL workloads to Azure (DP-050T00)
In this course, the students will explore the objectives of data platform modernization and how it is suitable for given business requirements.
They will also explore each stage of the data platform modernization process and define what tasks are involved at each stage, such as the assessment and planning phase. Students will also learn the available migration tools and how they are suitable for each stage of the data migration process. The student will learn how to migrate to the three target platforms for SQL based workloads; Azure Virtual Machines, Azure SQL Databases and Azure SQL Database Managed Instances. The student will learn the benefits and limitations of each target platform and how they can be used to fulfil both business and technical requirements for modern SQL workloads. The student will explore the changes that may need to be made to existing SQL based applications, so that they can make best use of modern data platforms in Azure.
Target audience:
The audience for this course is data professionals and data architects who want to learn about migrating data platform technologies that exist on Microsoft Azure and how existing SQL based workloads can be migrated and modernized. The secondary audience for this course is individuals who manage data platforms or develop applications that deliver content from the existing data platform technologies.
Koolitusel osalemise eeldused: Inglise keele oskus suhtlustasandil.
Koolituse sisu:
- Moodul 1: Introduction to data platform modernization
- Moodul 2: Assess and convert SQL Server databases using the Data Migration Assistant (DMA)
- Moodul 3: Test and optimize SQL Server databases using the Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA)
- Moodul 4: Migrate SQL workloads to Azure virtual machines
- Moodul 5: Migrate SQL workloads to Azure SQL Databases
Täpsema ingliskeelse kirjelduse koolituse sisu kohta leiad siit: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/courses/DP-050T00
After completing this course, students know how to:
- Understand Data Platform Modernization
- Choose the right tools for data migration
- Migrate SQL workloads to Azure Virtual Machines
- Migrate SQL workloads to Azure SQL Databases
- Migrate SQL workloads to Azure SQL Database managed instance
Henn Sarv
Henn on koolitajana tegev olnud juba ligi 30 aastat. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Oma õppeprogrammides ta läheneb probleemipõhiselt ja viib läbi praktilisi harjutusi, et kõik õpitu ka kinnistuks koolitusel osalejatele.
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- arvutiga õppekohta koolitusklassis;
- õppematerjale;
- koolitaja konsultatsiooni õpitud teemade kohta e-posti teel pärast koolitust;
- tunnistust.
Lisaks pakume:
- vajadusel tasuta korduskoolitust kui tunned, et mõni oskus vajab täiendamist või pidid endast mittesõltuvatel põhjustel koolituse katkestama;
- sooje jooke koos küpsistega;
- tasuta parkimist (palume parkimine registreerida meie büroojuhi juures koolitusele saabudes igal koolituspäeval);
- lõunasööki igal koolituspäeval.
Koolitusfirma tutvustus
Nordic Koolitus OÜ - praktilised IT- ja juhtimiskoolitused Loen koolitusfirma kohta veel...