Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900T00-A)
This two-day course will provide foundational level knowledge on cloud concepts; core Azure services; security, privacy, compliance, and trust; and Azure pricing and support. Note: This course provides an Azure pass and time for students to participate in hands-on labs. If you do not need hands-on experience, consider the AZ-900T01: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (1 day) course. The content for both courses align to the AZ-900 exam objective domain.
Target audience:
This course is suitable for IT personnel who are just beginning to work with Azure. This audience wants to learn about our offerings and get hands-on experience with the product. This course primarily uses the Azure portal to create services and does not require scripting skills. Students in this course will gain confidence to take other role-based courses and certifications, such as Azure Administrator. This course provides an Azure pass and optional lab environment. This course combines lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on labs. This course will also help prepare someone for the AZ-900 exam.
Prerequisites to the course (recommended): There are no prerequisites for taking this course. However, the more technical knowledge a student has the more they will understand about the cloud.
- Module 1: Cloud ConceptsIn this module, you will learn about cloud services, the types of cloud models, and the types of cloud services.Lessons
- Why Cloud Services
- Types of Cloud models
- Types of Cloud services
- After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Define cloud computing and its key advantages.
- Explain public, private, and hybrid cloud models.
- Explain IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS cloud services.
- Module 2: Core Azure ServicesIn this module, you learn about Azure core cloud architectural components, Azure services and products, Azure solutions, and Azure management tools.Lessons
- Core Azure Architectural components
- Core Azure Services and Products
- Azure Solutions
- Azure management tools
- Lab : Walkthrough: Create a virtual machineLab : Walkthrough: Deploy Azure container instancesLab : Walkthrough: Create a virtual networkLab : Walkthrough: Create blob storageLab : Walkthrough: Create a SQL databaseLab : Waltkthrough: Implement an Azure IoT HubLab : Walkthrough: Implement Azure FunctionsLab : Walkthrough: Create a web appLab : Walkthrough: Create a VM with a TemplateLab : Walkthrough: Create a VM with PowerShellLab : Walkthrough: Create a VM with CLIAfter completing this module, students will be able to:
- Identify core Azure architectural components, such as regions, geographies, and resource groups.
- Identify usage cases for Azure core services and products, such as virtual machines and storage.
- Identify usage cases for Azure solutions, such as the Internet of Things and Machine Learning.
- Identify what Azure management tools are available such as Azure PowerShell and the CLI.
- Module 3: Security, Privacy, Compliance, and TrustIn this module, you learn about Azure security, identity, governance, monitoring, reporting, and standards.Lessons
- Secure network connectivity
- Core Azure identity services
- Security tools and features
- Azure governance methodologies
- Monitoring and reporting
- Privacy, compliance, and data protection standards
- Lab : Walkthrough: Secure network trafficLab : Walkthrough: Implement Azure key vaultLab : Walkthrough: Create an Azure PolicyLab : Walkthrough: Manage access with RBACLab : Walkthrough: Manage resource locksLab : Walkthrough: Implement resource taggingLab : Walkthrough: Exploring the Trust CenterAfter completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe virtual network security connectivity options such as Network Security Groups.
- Describe Azure identity authentication and authorization options.
- Describe usage cases for the Security Center, Key vault, threat and information protection options.
- Describe Azure policies and role-based access control.
- Describe usage cases for Azure Monitor and Azure Service Health.
- Describe privacy, compliance, and data protection standards.
- Module 4: Azure Pricing and SupportIn this module, you will learn about Azure subscriptions, planning and managing costs, support options, SLAs, and service lifecycles.Lessons
- Azure subscriptions
- Planning and managing costs
- Azure support options
- Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
- Service lifecycle in Azure
- Lab : Walkthrough: Use the Azure Pricing CalculatorLab : Walkthrough: Use the Azure TCO CalculatorLab : Walkthrough: Open a Support requestLab : Walkthrough: Calculate composite SLAsLab : Walkthrough: Access Azure Preview featuresAfter completing this module, students will be able to:
- Use an Azure subscription.
- Plan and manage costs.
- Explain Azure support options.
- Describe Azure SLAs.
- Explain Azure service lifecycles.
The training topics and description:
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Describe cloud computing, Azure, and Azure subscriptions.
- Describe and create Azure Web Apps.
- Create and configure VMs in Microsoft Azure.
- Create an Azure virtual network.
- Describe Azure storage.
- Describe and deploy databases in Azure.
- Describe Azure AD.
Lauri Mattus
Tarkvaraarenduse koolitaja
Lauri on peamiselt spetsialiseerunud tarkvaraarenduse koolitustele ning on viimased 10 aastat lisaks koolitamisele ka aktiivselt tarkvaraarendajana töötanud. Erinevaid tarkvaraarendusega seotud aineid on ta varasemalt õpetanud Tallinna Ülikoolis ning Tallinna Polütehnikumis. Lauri on lõpetanud Tallinna Ülikooli informaatika eriala bakalaureuseõppe omandab kaugõppes IT juhtimise magistrikraadi.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused:
- Microsoft Certified Trainer
- Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
- Erinevad MS sertifikaadid (.NET 2.0, Microsoft Dynamics™ AX 4.0, Microsoft Dynamics CRM jt)
- Winner of Garage48 EMT Appmillionaire Camp 2013
- Microsoft Special Prize at Garage48 Tallinn Music 2013
- Special Innovation Award at Garage48 Ventspils 2013
- SLUSH Prize at Garage48 Health&Wellness 2014
- Prototron Special Prize at Garage48 2014
The training price also includes:
- teaching materials;
- a trainer’s consultation on the topics learned by e-mail after the training;
- certificate.
As an added value, we offer:
- free parking;
- hot drinks with cookies;
- fresh fruits;
- lunch on each training day;
Koolitusfirma tutvustus
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