Make better marketing decisions with Google Analytics 4
The purpose of the training is to teach how to use the Google Analytics tool and thereby help make smarter marketing decisions. With the help of Google Analytics, the participant’s skills can be used to find answers to questions based on the statistics of his website: which channel brings the most sales, which people and with which devices visit my page, which are the most popular subpages on the web, with which keywords my page appears, etc.
Have you ever conducted a marketing campaign and realized, looking at the results, that it is actually impossible to say why something worked or not? Would you like to know which channels bring in the most sales and which ones just eat money? Google Analytics will help you get answers to these questions. In this training, you will learn how to make Google Analytics your best advisor! More importantly, in this training we will focus on the new Google Analytics 4 version, comparing the features of UA and GA4.
Target audience: Training for those whose task is to evaluate the results of marketing activities, review the functioning of the website and analyze the effectiveness of various campaigns and channels. The training is suitable for those involved in the organization’s marketing as well as for those who would like to wisely order marketing activities in-house or from agencies. Entrepreneurs, marketers, content creators – everyone who wants to do effective advertising on the Google search engine and who comes across marketing on social media platforms.
Prerequisites (preferably): The presence of a Google Analytics account on the website and access to it, preferably with edit rights, in order to change the settings immediately during the training.
The training is divided into two major parts, and in addition to the currently used Google Analytics, you will also learn how to set up Google Analytics 4 – Google’s new tool, which will replace the previous GA as early as 2023. The first part of the course focuses on the various settings and filters that need to be done on the Google Analytics platform in order to be able to read more accurate data from it. As a result, subsequent data analysis is more efficient and time-saving. In the second part, the focus is already on basic views and ways to get useful data from the Google Analytics platform. What are the most popular reports to monitor and how to use them? In addition to the slides, the participants are also given the tools/bases used in the training, such as the base of the post-analysis of the campaign, the link building Excel table, etc.
The trainer, Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing, is a marketer with an IT education and can therefore also answer the participants’ more technical questions. If Google has come up with a few more surprises by the time the training takes place, Katrin will definitely be able to talk about them. The training group is small, which means that no one is left behind – for every question, the trainer can come to the participant’s computer and help solve problems.
- Basic concepts and navigating Google Analytics
- Google analytics settings and filters for more detailed information
- Goal setting to measure specific actions on the website
- Integration and information exchange with assistance tools and other Google products
- Link tagging (UTM tags) to analyze different traffic sources
- Campaign / channel analysis
- Page usability analysis
- User segmentation
- Creating target groups for remarketing campaigns
- Setting up a Google Analytics 4 account GA4 differences and key reports to monitor
Upon successful completion of the training, the participant:
- Knows various terms such as Bounce rate, CPC, Conversion rate, etc.;
- Can set up measurement of key activities on your website;
- Can create different target groups and send them to the Google advertising platform;
- Knows what to use the different settings on the Google Analytics account for and can choose the most appropriate ones for your website;
- Can read and prepare campaign reports and evaluate the success of the campaign;
- Can find places on the website that need improvement by looking at various reports.
Conditions for completion of training: At the end of the training, the training center issues a certificate to those who have completed the training. At the end of the training, a certificate will be issued if at least 80% of each subject of the curriculum and other requirements arising from the training program (e.g. exam, accounting, practical work, etc.) have been completed. A certificate of participation is issued to a person if during the training the achievement of the learning outcomes was not assessed or if the person did not achieve all the learning outcomes required to complete the curriculum.
Katrin Vilimaa-Otsing on meedia alal tegev olnud juba 2010. aasta suvest. Rohkem kui kümnendi kestnud karjääri sisse on jäänud koostöö nii suuremate meedia- kui ka loovagentuuridega ning klientidega nii meilt kui mujalt Aastate jooksul on ta koostööd teinud väga erinevate ettevõtetega mitmetest valdkondadest ning näinud erinevaid lähenemisi ning oskab seega suure tõenäosusega nõu anda ka sinu ettevõtte turunduse efektiivsemaks muutmise teemadel.
Põhiliselt on Katrini oskused seotud digiturunduse, strateegia, mõõtmise ja kõigega, mis sellega seondub – seadistused, planeerimine, erinevad tööriistad ja programmid. Katrini eeliseks on pidev praktiseerimine – ta mitte ainult ei koolita, vaid reaalselt tegeleb oma ettevõttes kampaaniate haldamise ja turundusteenuste pakkumisega. Seetõttu on ta kursis viimaste uuenduste ja trendidega ning panustab palju aega uute teadmiste omandamisse.
Lisaks mõistab ta ise ettevõtte omanikuna teiste ettevõtjate murekohti ja oskab vaadata turundust kui tervikut kogu ettevõtte juhtimise strateegias.
Price includes:
- a prepared workplace with the necessary hardware and software in the classroom. If necessary, we provide the participant in the online environment with remote access to the software required to participate in the training;
certificate; - study materials;
- consultation of the trainer on the topics learned by e-mail after the training.
In addition:
- free retraining, if necessary, if you feel that some skill needs improvement or you had to interrupt the training for reasons beyond your control;
- free parking;
- hot drinks with cookies;
- lunch on each training day.
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