Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform
This workshop consists of two days spent on improving your skills of cloud infrastructure provisioning with the help of mighty Terraform.
By using declarative language (HCL) to describe cloud resources, you will learn how to efficiently connect the dots of complex cloud configurations: servers, load balancers, keys, firewall rules, storage, base images, CDNs, lambda functions and many more. State management and sharing with the help of workspaces and external storage engines will allow you to create identical environments from the same code base and ensure their consistency over time. Organizing code base, orchestrating cluster deployments, implementing reusable modules are only few topics that are going to be touched during this extremely pragmatic and practical workshop based on trainer’s real-life experience managing complex cloud environments.
- Introduction
- Terminology: provider, resource, data, output, module
- Command-line operations: init, plan, apply, taint, destroy, import, output, refresh
- Dive into HashCorp Configuration Language (HCL): variables, expressions, functions, counters, files
- Provisioning cloud resources
- Building environment templates
- Infrastructure state management: local and remote
- Integrating with provisioning tools like Ansible or Puppet
- Integrating with configuration service discovery tools likes Consul
- Managing cluster deployments
- Multi-provider deployments (AWS, VMWare, DNS, Kubernetes)
- Creating Terraform modules for reusable bits of the infrastructure
- Developing custom Terraform provider
Andrey Adamovich
He is a software craftsman with many years of experience in different life cycle phases of software creation. He is passionate about defining good development practices, as well as extreme automation of development and operations activities.
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