Automating Configuration Manager with PowerShell
Use PowerShell with Configuration Manager to become more productive! PowerShell is arguably the second native language for IT Pro’s, and I believe that every single one of us must use PowerShell to stay ahead of the curve. Learn how to automate and simplify your day to day management in Configuration Manager.
This is not your average “Microsoft class”. Kaido Järvemets have developed this hands-on lab, based on years of experience of implementing and managing different sizes of SCCM environments. He will teach you all necessary techniques that you need to know to use the Configuration Manager PowerShell Module, to build and manage your own custom solutions for your SCCM environment
After the class you will have production ready scripts that takes your daily Configuration Manager management to a new level!
- System Center Configuration Manager’i haldurid
- IT administraatorid
- süsteemiarhitektid ja integraatorid
Koolituse sisukord:
- Understand how to install and configure Configuration Manager Site System Roles using PowerShell
- Understand how to manage Configuration Manager daily. This includes:
- Packages
- Applications
- Software Updates
- Operating System Deployment
- Configuration Items
- Collections
- Understand how to create custom tools for Configuration Manager
- Understand how to use Windows Management Instrumentation
- Understand how to manage the Configuration Manager Client
- Understand how to manage Configuration Manager remotely
- Understand how to create auditing scripts for Configuration Manager
Kaido Järvemets on arendaja, konsultant ja koolitaja, kes on spetsialiseerunud eelkõige teemadele, nagu seda on Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager ja PowerShell lahendused.
Kaido on tihti esinenud mitmetel Euroopa konverentsidel ja ta tegi oma USA debüüdi Microsoft Management Summit-il aprillis 2013. Kaido on tuntud Configuration Manager kogukondades, kus tema põhiteemaks on PowerShell. Kaido omab ka Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) tiitlit (Microsoft Enterprise Client Management for his work with Configuration Manager).
Tutvu ka Kaido blogiga https://kaidojarvemets.ee/
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- ametlikke õppematerjale;
- koolitaja konsultatsiooni õpitud teemade kohta e-posti teel pärast koolitust;
- tunnistust.
Lisaväärtusena pakume:
- sooje jooke koos küpsistega;
- lõunasööki igal koolituspäeval;
- tasuta parkimist.
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