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Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM)

Want to go beyond getting the basic Scrum events going? Passionate about taking your Scrum team and organization to the next level? Interested in advancing your own skills as a ScrumMaster and agile coach? Then you are ready to become Advanced Certified ScrumMaster.

Target audience

  • The Advanced Certified ScrumMaster workshop requires previous Scrum knowledge and experience.
  • This is NOT a session for those who are new to Agile and Scrum.
  • All attendees must have the Certified ScrumMaster certification (CSM) and with a minimum of one year practice prior to the Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) workshop. If you don’t current have a CSM certification, please contact us for options.
  • Participants should be passionate in advancing as a ScrumMaster and an Agile coach, and therefore be willing to challenge their own thinking and approaches within this course.


  • Coaching Concepts
    • Coaching Stances
    • Key coaching skills and their application
    • Tactics of coaching at individual, Scrum Team and organization level
    • Agile coaching
  • Agile Facilitation
    • Divergent and Convergent Thinking
    • Facilitation techniques to navigate through Groan Zone and Divergent and Convergent phases
    • Decision making
  • A deeper dive into Lean, Agile and Scrum
    • Value and principles to leverage as a ScrumMaster
    • Practices and tools to help improve
  • Services to Development Team
    • Self-Organization and team Dynamics
    • Key attributes of effective teams
    • Coaching for high performaning teams
    • DoD
    • Agile engineering practices
  • Services to Product Owner
    • The services around Product Vision and Strategy
    • The mindset and tools for a fantastic product
    • Tools to bring customer needs into Product Backlog
    • Product Backlog Refinment tactics
    • The collaboration and its enhancement with Development Team
  • Services to Organization
    • Impediment Removal and its tactics & strategies
    • Leadership team coaching
    • Agile scaling approaches and principles
    • Introducing new ideas
    • Tactics and tools for orgnization change
  • Personal Development
    • Coaching practices for personal growth actions
    • Povital conversation
    • ScrumMaster as Servant Leader

Through the A-CSM course, you’ll learn to:

  • Facilitate better dialogue between the Product Owner, Team members, customers, stakeholders, and executives.
  • Respond confidently when encountering resistance to change, lack of engagement, low motivation, and unavailability of key people.
  • Increase engagement to encourage greater accountability, commitment, and buy-in.
  • Scale Scrum and Agile beyond a single team.


  1. Scrum Alliance A-CSM Certification
  2. Two-year membership with Scrum Alliance
  3. A-CSM training workbook and a comprehensive list of reference materials
  4. 16 or 24 PDUs and/or SEUs that can be used to renew PMP and SA membership respectively

Evelyn Tian
Evelyn Tian, is one of the few in the global Scrum community who holds high level coaching and training qualifications. She is: Scrum Alliance Certified Team Coach (CTC) and Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC), Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), Scrum Alliance Certified Agile Leadership Educator, Scrum Alliance Certified Path to CSP Educator.

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Advanced Certified Scrum Master (A-CSM)

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