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JavaScript for beginners (in English)

The main purpose of this e-course is to give students a good understanding of the basics of JavaScript.

In this JavaScript training, you will learn to work with one of the most powerful, flexible coding languages!

This class gives you experience using JavaScript to make your web pages more dynamic and user friendly. You will start by learning about the HTML DOM, JavaScript Syntax, and other essentials. Then, you will learn about important structures like variables, arrays, and operators. Get hands-on experience using functions to control how your code is executed. Next, use built-in objects for basic data processing and learn to leverage loops to save time when writing code. You will practice with event handlers and listeners to respond to user input and other web page interactions. You will learn how JavaScript interacts with HTML and CSS. Finally, the class wraps up with best practices to prevent and handle errors.

By the end of the training, you will ready to use JavaScript to make your web pages more dynamic and functional.
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.

Prerequisities: HTML experience is required for this class; CSS and programming experience would be useful.


  1. JavaScript Basics
    1. The Name “JavaScript”
    2. What is ECMAScript?
    3. The HTML DOM
    4. JavaScript Syntax
    5. Accessing Elements
      1. Dot Notation
      2. Square Bracket Notation
    6. Where Is JavaScript Code Written?
    7. JavaScript Objects, Methods and Properties
  2. Variables, Arrays, and Operators
    1. JavaScript Variables
      1. A Loosely-Typed Language
      2. Google Chrome DevTools
      3. Variable Naming
      4. Storing User-Entered Data
    2. Constants
    3. Arrays
      1. Associative Arrays
      2. Array Properties and Methods
    4. Playing with Array Methods
    5. JavaScript Operators
    6. The Modulus Operator
    7. The Default Operator
  3. JavaScript Functions
    1. Global Objects and Functions
      1. parseFloat(object)
      2. parseInt(object)
      3. isNaN(object)
    2. User-defined Functions
      1. Function Syntax
      2. Passing Values to Functions
    3. Returning Values from Functions
  4. Built-In JavaScript Objects
    1. String
    2. Math
    3. Date
    4. Helper Functions
  5. Conditionals and Loops
    1. Conditionals
    2. if – else if – else Conditions
    3. Short-circuiting
    4. Switch / Case
    5. Ternary Operator
    6. Truthy and Falsy
    7. Loops
      1. while Loop Syntax
      2. do while Loop Syntax
      3. for Loop Syntax
      4. for of Loop Syntax
      5. for in Loop Syntax
    8. break and continue
    9. Array: forEach()
  6. Event Handlers and Listeners
    1. On-Event Handlers
      1. The getElementById() Method
    2. The addEventListener() Method
    3. Capturing Key Events
    4. Benefits of Event Listeners
    5. Timers
  7. The HTML Document Object Model
    1. CSS Selectors
      1. Type Selectors
      2. Descendant Selectors
      3. Child Selectors
      4. Class Selectors
      5. ID Selectors
      6. Attribute Selectors
    2. The innerHTML Property
    3. Nodes, NodeLists, and HTMLCollections
    4. Accessing Element Nodes
      1. getElementById()
      2. getElementsByTagName()
      3. getElementsByClassName()
      4. querySelectorAll() and querySelector()
    5. Dot Notation and Square Bracket Notation
    6. Collections of Elements
    7. window is Implicit
    8. Accessing Elements Hierarchically
    9. Accessing Attributes
    10. Creating New Nodes
    11. Focusing on a Field
    12. Shopping List Application
    13. Manipulating Tables
  8. CSS Object Model
    1. Changing CSS with JavaScript
    2. The style Property vs getComputedStyle()
    3. Hiding and Showing Elements
    4. Checking and Changing Other Style Properties
    5. Increasing and Decreasing Measurements
    6. Making changeFontSize() More Flexible
    7. Custom data Attributes
    8. Gotcha with fontWeight
    9. Font Awesome
    10. classList Property
  9. Errors and Exceptions
    1. Runtime Errors
    2. Completely Unhandled Errors
    3. Globally Handled Errors
    4. Structured Error Handling
    5. Try/Catch

After completing this course the students can:

  • master the fundamentals of JavaScript;
  • understand JavaScript syntax;
  • learn about objects, methods, and properties;
  • work with JavaScript variables to store data;
  • organize code by creating your own functions;
  • write flow control logic to handle real-life decisions and complex problems;
  • use loops to save time;
  • capture and manage events such as mouse clicks and page loads;
  • modify HTML and CSS on the fly with JavaScript;
  • handle and prevent JavaScript errors.

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JavaScript for beginners (in English)