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First Aid Refresher Course

The objective of additional further training is: to repeat, refresh and deepen the knowledge and skills acquired during the first aid basic 16-hour training course.

The employer is required to designate at least one worker to provide first aid at workplace. Acc. to: Töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse seadus, § 132. The employer refers the worker-first aid provider to further training every three years, according to Regulation No 50 of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Estonia (22.11.2018) “Töökeskkonnavoliniku, töökeskkonnanõukogu liikme ja esmaabiandja koolituse ja täienduskoolituse kord täienduskoolitusasutuses“. The Regulation No 61 of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Estonia (24.09.2010) “Tervisekaitsenõuded koolieelses lasteasutuses tervise edendamisele ja päevakavale” stipulates that teachers of pre-school child care institutions and assisting staff should have proper skills to provide first aid primary care to children.

Target group: First-aid additional training is suitable for trained first-aiders in organisations, coaches, for teachers of pre-school child care institutions, their assisting staff  and other professions, who need a mandatory first aid training refreshment every three years. All other people intrested in first aid are also welcome.

Look also: First aid Training


  • Principles of work of Ambulance and Emergency Call Center;
  • Evaluation of patient`s condition and situation;
  • Resuscitation of adults, using AED;
  • The features of paediatric resuscitation;
  • Chocking;
  • Drowning;
  • Burns;
  • Allergies, anaphylaxis;
  • Seizures;
  • Heart attack;
  • Strokes and brain hemorrhages;
  • Diabetes;
  • Poisoning, CO intoxication;
  • Injuries and wounds.

After attending the training, the participant:

  • evaluates the condition of the victim and chooses the right tactic for the first aid;
  • uses correct resuscitation techniques;
  • stops the bleeding and helps the casualty in shock condition;
  • knows the dangers of fractures, knows how to immobilize the victim’s proximities;
  • assists with poisoning, burns, chemical burns and cold injuries
  • takes into account safety and security of him/herself, the victim and others when providing first aid.

NB! We kindly ask participants to wear comfortable clothing for practical workshops (including resuscitation).

Ruta Uibo
First aid trainer

The document issued upon completing the training: The training will end with the test and final practical exercise. A certificate recognized by Labor Inspectorate, ARK and other institutions will be issued to those who have successfully completed the training.

The volume of study: A classroom lecture with practical tasks for a total of 8 academic hours.

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Juunika Koolitus OÜ. Täiskasvanute koolitusasutuse Juunika Õppekeskuse põhitegevusala on täiskasvanute koolitamine. Koolitustegevusega alustasime 1997. aastal Tartus. Täna korraldame koolitusi üle Eesti kõigis maakondades. Loen koolitusfirma kohta veel...

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First Aid Refresher Course