Working with advanced frontend framework Angular
The main goal of the course is to gain a strong skill in programming Web applications with Angular and become able to create a web application. During the course you will learn how to work with Angular. You will learn core features of Angular and will be able to use it in order to enhance your website. Angular comes with Typescript language which is superset to JavaScript. So that, you will learn how to use TypeScript and Angular to create a user interface for your web application.
Prerequisites: we welcome people who have basic web programming skills and full skill in HTML5/CSS3.
- Introduction to Angular 4
- What is Angular 4
- Components, templates, data binding
- Routing
- Forms, Pipes, Http
- Authenticaion
- Route protection
- Angular 4 CLI
- Integrating third party packages
- Setting up index
After finishing this course student has the abilities to:
- Use Angular
- Describe the new features of the framework and demonstrate how they work.
- Create web pages that can adapt to different devices and form factors.
- Enhance the user experience by improving the responsiveness of a web application
- Create a full-featured user interface
Our class Frontend Development and Web Design (UX/UI) with HTML5 and CSS3 is a good starting point to cover the prerequisites needed for this class but its not required to attend.
See the web portfolio of lecturer here: Amir Zare Pashaei
Amir Zare Pashaei
Lektor/konsultant/MCT. Valdkond: Veebi- ja tarkvaraarendus (HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript, Typescript, C#.NET, C++, ASP.NET, Visual Basic, MySQL, SQL Server, NodeJS, Angular 4, Android, iOS, macOS)
See the web portfolio of lecturer here: Amir Zare Pashaei
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