Virtualizing Enterprise Desktops and Apps (MOC-20694)
This five-day, hands-on training course is designed to teach you the breadth of Microsoft virtual desktop technology, and the course will compare and contrast the various technologies with use cases and best practices. This course builds your skills in Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V), and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) as part of Windows Server 2012 R2. Throughout this course, you will learn how to manage, monitor, support, and troubleshoot various Windows-based desktop virtualization solutions.
The main purpose of the course is to give students great skills in Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V), and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) as part of Windows Server 2012 R2. Throughout this course, you will learn how to manage, monitor, support, and troubleshoot various Windows-based desktop virtualization solutions.
Target audience:
This course is intended for the IT administrators, and implementers, of large and midsized organizations who want to understand and get hands on experience with the latest Microsoft desktop and application virtualization technologies and how to plan, implement, and manage virtual infrastructure solutions based on these technologies.
Before attending this course, students must have a system administrator–level working knowledge of:
- Networking fundamentals, including Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Domain Name System (DNS).
- Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) principles and fundamentals of AD DS management.
- Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting for Windows-based personal computers.
- Basic understanding of scripting and Windows PowerShell syntax.
- Desired: Basic understanding of Windows Server roles and services.
- Module 1: Overview of Desktop and Application Virtualization
- This module explains virtualization technologies that they can use to meet the needs of your organization. Which technologies are relevant to their organization will vary with their needs. To use these virtualization technologies properly in the student’s organization, they will need to understand which technologies are available and when to use them.
- Module 2: Planning and Implementing User State Virtualization
- This module explains user state virtualization, and which technologies are part of it and what are benefits of user state virtualization. They will also be able to plan and implement user state virtualization technologies.
- Module 3: Planning and Implementing App-V
- This module explains application virtualization and describes App-V components. This module also describes App-V infrastructure, deployment scenarios, and procedures for installing and configuring Microsoft Server Application Virtualization agents (App-V agents).
- Module 4: Managing and Administering Application Virtualization
- This module provides an overview of the App-V Management Console and the permissions that users must have to administer an App-V Management Server. The module also covers the steps you must take to perform these administrative tasks and how to manage packages and connection groups.
- Module 5: Planning and Deploying App-V Clients
- This module explains the recommendations for deploying and managing the App-V Client. This module also provides students with an overview of the App-V Desktop Client, App-V Remote Desktop Client, and the several installation methods for each.
- Module 6: Application Sequencing
- This module explains how to install and configure the App-V Sequencer to create application packages.
- Module 7: Configuring Client Hyper-V
- This module explains Client Hyper-V in Windows 8.1 and explain the fundamentals of working with virtual machines (VMs) in a Client Hyper-V environment. You should be aware that all the features that are covered in this module are also available in Hyper-V on Windows Server 2012 R2.
- Module 8: Planning and Deploying Session-Based Virtual Desktops
- This module explains how to plan for session-based desktop deployment of Remote Desktop Services (RDS). They will also learn to perform session-based desktop deployment.
- Module 9: Configuring and Managing RemoteApp Programs
- This module explains how to publish and work with RemoteApp programs.
- Module 10: Planning Personal and Pooled Virtual Desktops
- This module explains how to plan the implementation of pooled and personal desktops.
- Module 11: Planning and Implementing Infrastructures for Personal and Pooled Virtual Desktops
- This module explains how to implement and manage pooled and personal desktops.
- Module 12: Implementing Remote Access for Remote Desktop Services
- This module explains how to plan and implement RD Gateway.
- Module 13: Performance and Health Monitoring of VDI
- This module explains how to monitor the performance of virtual desktop infrastructure to ensure performance.
More information: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/courses/20694
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Describe desktop and application virtualization.
- Plan and implement user state virtualization.
- Plan and implement App-V.
Meelis Nigols
Meelis koolitab alates aastast 1997 ja on keskendunud peamiselt Microsofti toodetele. Tehnilistel koolitustel on Meelis enim nõutud koolitaja, kes valdab oma teemasid tõelise meistrina, omades ka praktilisi töökogemusi süsteemiinseneri ja DevOps insenerina.
Peamised koolitusteemad:
- Microsofti tehnilised koolitused
- serverid ja tööjaamad
Koolituse hind sisaldab:
- klassikoolitust;
- eksamivautšerit;
- Microsofti ametlikke õppematerjale;
- koolitaja konsultatsiooni õpitud teemade kohta e-posti teel pärast koolitust;
- tunnistust.
Lisatasu eest:
- ligipääs iseseisvale harjutuskeskkonnale Microsoft Labs Online (MLO).
Lisaväärtusena saad:
- vajadusel tasuta korduskoolituse kui tunned, et mõni oskus vajab täiendamist või pidid endast mittesõltuvatel põhjustel koolituse katkestama;
- sooje jooke koos küpsistega;
- lõunasööki igal koolituspäeval.
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