RESTful Web Services with Java (inglise keeles)
The RESTful services are conquering the world; nearly all solutions use RESTful interfaces to some extent. RESTful services can be used for client-server communications where the client very often is either web- or mobile application, but they can equally be used in system integration scenarios.
Regardless of technology the basic implementation of the service is often rather straightforward and simple. The services are built on top of HTTP-protocol and good understanding of HTTP is required for good implementation of service interface. There are also quite a few design considerations that should be taken into account before jumping into coding of RESTful interface.
The course targets programmers that will be implementing RESTful web services with Java.
The participant should have a good command of Java-language and basic understanding of JavaEE-environment.
The participant will learn to implement RESTful services with JAXRS-technology on any application server. They will also gain a good understanding on how the HTTP-protocol works and how to design RESTful interfaces.
- Web Services
- What is REST
- Understanding HTTP-protocol
- Designing RESTful interface
- Getting started
- Path resolution
- Parameters to the request
- Formatting the response
- Handling errors
- Structural data
- Providers
- Binary data
- Clients
- Java Clients
- JavaScript Clients
- JavaEE
- JPA with JAXRS
- EJB with JAXRS
After completing this course, students:
- understand HTTP and RESTful services
- know RESTful interface design considerations;
- know about implementation with JAX-RS -technique.
Jyrki Martonen
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- klassikoolitust;
- õppematerjale;
- tunnistust.
Lisaks pakume:
- vajadusel tasuta korduskoolitust kui tunned, et mõni oskus vajab täiendamist või pidid endast mittesõltuvatel põhjustel koolituse katkestama;
- sooje jooke koos küpsistega;
- lõunasööki igal koolituspäeval.
Koolitusfirma tutvustus
Nordic Koolitus OÜ - praktilised IT- ja juhtimiskoolitused Loen koolitusfirma kohta veel...