React.js for beginners (in English)
The main purpose of this e-course is to give students a good understanding of the basics of React.js.
In this React.js training class, JavaScript programmers will learn how to use React to create a dynamic web application, based on the math game at Mathificent. Students will use the latest React techniques (functional components and hooks) to build this application.
Each student will receive a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the class examples.
Target audience: This course is for students new to React.js.
Prerequisities: Experience in the following is required for this React class: HTML, JavaScript. Experience in the following would be useful for this React class: CSS, Bootstrap.
- Introduction to React
- What is React?
- React is Fast
- React is Scalable
- React is Reliable
- React Essentials
- Rendering in React
- Get Started with Create React App
- Introducing Our Project: Mathificent
- Learning the Structure of a React App
- What is React?
- JSX and React Elements
- Using JSX in React
- JSX Rules
- JSX Syntax
- JSX is an Extension of JavaScript
- Using Custom Elements in JSX
- Using JavaScript in JSX
- Using JSX
- React Components
- Assembling User Interfaces
- Understanding F.I.R.S.T
- Passing Data with Props
- Breaking an App into Components
- Passing Props Between Components
- Organizing Your Components
- Semantic HTML and the Fragment Element
- Using Fragment
- Destructuring props
- Assembling User Interfaces
- React State
- Understanding State
- Getting React to React
- Why is count a Constant?
- Child Components and State
- Adding State
- React Routing
- Routing
- Implementing Routes
- Styling React Apps
- Plain-old CSS
- Importing CSS Modules to Components
- Cleaning Up App.css
- Styling the Main Component
- Inline Styles
- Creating the Game Component
- A Word of Caution
- Implementing Game Logic
- Setting the Equation
- Getting the User’s Answer
- Checking the User’s Answer
- Creating the Timer
- React Effects
- React Hooks
- The useEffect Hook
- The Need for useEffect
- useEffect to the Rescue
- Mount and Unmount
- Passing Functions to State Variable Setters
- Fixing the Timer
- Catching Keyboard Events
- Building and Deploying Your React App
After completing this course the student knows:
- about the benefits of writing user interfaces with React;
- how data flows in a React user interface;
- how to write a React component;
- what a virtual DOM is;
- how to use Create React App to make your first React user interface;
- the role of JSX in React;
- how JSX is different from HTML;
- how to use expressions in JSX;
- about best practices for writing React components;
- how to pass data between components with props;
- what “state” is in React;
- how to create stateful variables;
- how to update state;
- how to implement routing in a React application;
- how to style React components and applications;
- how to work with your new React skills;
- what purpose hooks serve;
- how to use the useEffect hook.
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