PECB Certified ISO 27701 Lead Auditor
Koolitusele järgneval päeval on võimalik sooritada rahvusvaheline sertifikaadieksam (inglise keeles). Positiivse eksamitulemuse olemasolul ja töökogemuse tingimuste täitmisel on osalejatel võimalik omandada rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud „PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27701 Lead Auditor“ sertifikaat.
- audiitorid, kes soovivad läbi viia ja juhtida privaatsusinfo haldussüsteemi (PIMS) sertifitseerimisauditeid
- juhid või konsultandid, kes soovivad omandada PIMS-i auditiprotsessi
- isikud, kes vastutavad PIMS-i nõuetele vastavuse säilitamise eest
- tehnilised eksperdid, kes soovivad valmistuda PIMS-i auditiks
- ekspertnõustajad isikut tuvastava teabe (PII) kaitsmisel
Koolitusel osalemise eeldused (soovitavalt): varasem praktiline kokkupuude infoturbega või auditeerimisega.
- Day 1
- Introduction to Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) and ISO/IEC 27701
- Training course objectives and structure
- Standards and regulatory frameworks
- Certification process
- Fundamental information security and privacy
concepts and principles - Privacy information management system (PIMS)
- Day 2
- Audit principles, preparation and launching of an audit
- Fundamental audit concepts and principles
- The impact of trends and technology in auditing
- Evidence-based auditing
- Risk-based auditing
- Initiation of the audit process
- Stage 1 audit
- Day 3
- On-site audit activities
- Stage 2 audit
- Communication during the audit
- Audit procedures
- Creating audit test plans
- Day 4
- Closing the audit
- Documentation of the audit and the audit quality review
- Closing the audit
- Evaluating action plans by the auditor
- Beyond the initial audit
- Managing an internal audit program
- Closing the training
- Day 5
- Certification Exam
Koolituse maht: 32 akadeemilist tundi (4 päeva). Viiendal päeval toimub sertifikaadieksam
After finishing the course students are able to:
- Understand a Privacy Information Management System (PIMS) and its processes based on ISO/IEC 27701;
- Identify the relationship between ISO/IEC 27701, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27002, and other standards and regulatory frameworks;
- Acquire the competences of the auditor’s role in planning, leading, and following up on a management system audit in accordance with ISO 19011;
- Learn how to interpret the requirements of ISO/IEC 27701 in the context of a PIMS audit.
PhD Andro Kull, certified ISO 27001 Lead Auditor
Andro Kull during his career, has worked in both sectors, public and private. In the previous years he has worked for the financial sector with regards to IT and information security, and for the energy sector with regards to IT risks, where security and continuity demands are very high. Kull started his career as IT specialist and IT manager, and has worked extensively as IT auditor and as IT risk manager for one of the largest company in Estonia. At the same time, he founded a small consulting company and managed projects related to IT risk assessment, the implementation of security measures, business continuity planning (BC), planning for recovery (DR), and crisis management mostly in public sector organizations.
The international environment is not new to Andro Kull, since he has participated in the European Central Bank internet payment security working group. Kull has been cooperating with the IT banking supervisors on an international level. Furthermore, he has organized one international conference in Tallinn. In addition, he has worked for European Union DG Connect as advisor connected with IT risk management recommendations development.
Andro Kull holds a PhD degree from the University of Tampere, concentrating on the IT oversight and compliance verification methodologies, and he currently is lecturing IT risk and information security management issues at the University of Tallinn.
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- inglisekeelset veebikoolitust;
- sertifikaadieksamit;
- õppematerjale osaleja valikul kas digitaalselt (pdf) või paberkujul;
- koolitaja konsultatsiooni õpitud teemade kohta e-posti teel pärast koolitust;
- tunnistust koolitusel osalemise kohta.
Lisaks pakume:
- vajadusel tasuta korduskoolitust kui tunned, et mõni oskus vajab täiendamist või pidid endast mittesõltuvatel põhjustel koolituse katkestama.
Koolitusfirma tutvustus
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