Office 365 Administrator (MS-030T00-A)
During this five-days course students will focus on skills required to set up an Office 365 tenant, including federation with existing user identities, and skills required to sustain an Office 365 tenant and its users.
The main purpose of this course is to target the needs of IT professionals who take part in evaluating, planning, deploying, and operating Microsoft Office 365 services, including its identities, dependencies, requirements, and supporting technologies.
Target audience:
This course is intended for IT professionals who are responsible for planning, configuring, and managing an Office 365 environment. Students who attend this course are expected to have a fairly broad understanding of several on-premises technologies such as Domain Name System (DNS) and Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). In addition, they should have a general understanding of Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Lync Server or Skype for Business Server, and Microsoft SharePoint Server.
Before attending this course, students must have:
- A minimum of two years of experience administering the Windows Server operating system, including Windows Server 2012 or later.
- A minimum of one year of experience working with AD DS.
- A minimum of one year of experience working with name resolution, including DNS.
- Experience working with certificates, including public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates.
- Experience working with Windows PowerShell.
- Experience working with Exchange Server 2013 or later, Lync Server 2013 or Skype for Business Server 2015, and SharePoint Server 2013 or later is beneficial, but not required.
- Module 1: Planning and provisioning Office 365 This module reviews the features of Office 365 and identifies recent improvements to the service, and describes the process of provisioning an Office 365 tenant. This module also identifies the challenges in deploying Office 365 and the benefits of the Microsoft FastTrack for Office 365 approach, as compared to the traditional plan, prepare, and migrate deployment process.Lessons
- Module 2: Managing Office 365 users and groupsThis module explains how to manage users, groups, and licenses, and configure administrative access by using the Office 365 console and the Windows PowerShell command-line interface. This module also explains how to manage user passwords and configure multi-factor authentication.Lessons
- Module 3: Configuring client connectivity to Microsoft Office 365This module covers the different types of client software that you can use to connect to Office 365. It also explains the infrastructure requirements that the clients need to connect to Office 365, in addition to how to configure different types of Office 365 clients.Lessons
- Module 4: Planning and configuring directory synchronizationThis module explains how to plan, prepare, and implement directory synchronization as a methodology for user and group management in an Office 365 deployment. It explains how to prepare an on-premises environment, and install and configure directory synchronization. It also explains how to manage Office 365 identities after you enable directory synchronization.Lessons
- Module 5: Planning and deploying Office 365 ProPlusThis module explains how to plan for a client deployment and ensure that users receive the tools that they need to interact with Office 365 effectively. It also explains the planning process, how to make Office 365 ProPlus directly available to end users, and how to deploy it as a managed package. Finally, it describes how to set up Office telemetry so that administrators can track how users are interacting with Microsoft Office. Lessons
- Module 6: Planning and managing Exchange Online recipients and permissionsThis module describes Exchange Online, and explains how to create and manage recipient objects, and how to manage and delegate Exchange security.Lessons
- Module 7: Planning and configuring Exchange Online servicesThis module explains how to plan for and configure email flow, in addition to anti-malware and anti-spam settings in Office 365. It also explains how to plan and configure policies for Exchange clients. Additionally, it describes how to plan and configure a migration to Exchange Online.Lessons
- Module 8: Planning and deploying Microsoft TeamsThis module explains how to plan and configure Teams. It explains how to configure Teams user settings and clients, and plan for voice integration. It also explains how to transition from Skype for Business to Teams and how Teams integrates with other Office 365 services.Lessons
- Module 9: Planning and configuring SharePoint OnlineThis module describes how to configure SharePoint Online services. It explains how to plan and configure SharePoint site collections
- Module 10: Planning and configuring an Office 365 collaboration solutionThis module describes how to enable and configure Yammer Enterprise. It also explains how to configure OneDrive
- Module 11: Planning and configuring security and compliance in Office 365This module describes the compliance features in Office 365 and how to manage them. It explains how to plan and
- Module 12: Monitoring and troubleshooting Microsoft Office 365This module explains how to troubleshoot issues with Office 365 connectivity and services, and how to monitor Office 365
- Module 13: Planning and configuring identify federationThis module explains how identify federation works, and how you can use Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) to implement
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Plan an Office 365 deployment, configure the Office 365 tenant, and plan a pilot deployment.
- Manage Office 365 users, groups, and licenses, and configure delegated administration.
- Plan and configure client connectivity to Office 365.
- Plan and configure directory synchronization between Microsoft Azure AD and on-premises AD DS.
- Plan and implement the Office 365 ProPlus deployment.
- Plan and manage Microsoft Exchange Online recipients and permissions.
- Plan and configure Exchange Online services.
- Plan and configure Microsoft Teams
- Plan and configure Microsoft SharePoint Online.
- Plan and configure an Office 365 collaboration solutions.
- Plan and configure the integration between Office 365 and Microsoft Azure Information Protection.
- Monitor and review Office 365 services, and troubleshoot Office 365 issues.
- Plan and implement identity federation between on-premises AD DS and Azure AD.
More information:
Training Principles:
- The training is held in Estonian!
- Each learning module is supported by practical exercises with hands-on laboratories.
- The prerequisite for issuing the certificate is full participation in training.
- Access to the standalone exercise environment Microsoft Labs Online (MLO) for an additional fee.
Henn Sarv
Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
The training price also includes:
- study materials;
- a trainer’s consultation on the topics learned, by e-mail after the training;
- certificate.
As an added value, we offer:
- free parking;
- lunch;
- hot drinks with cookies;
- fresh fruits.
Koolitusfirma tutvustus
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