MOC-10979 Introduction to Microsoft Azure for IT Professionals
The aim of the course is to give students the underlying knowledge required by ITPros/Devs who will be evaluating Microsoft Azure, whether they are administrators, developers, or database administrators. The course introduces students to the principles of cloud computing. Students will become familiar with how these principles have been implemented in Microsoft Azure. In addition, this course explains how to implement the core Azure infrastructure, consisting of virtual networks and storage. With this foundation, students will be able to create the most common Azure services, including Azure Virtual Machines, Web Apps, and Azure SQL Database. The students will also learn about container-based Azure services and the most prominent examples of serverless computing. The course concludes by describing features of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
During this course, students will be introduced to the principles of cloud computing and will become familiar how these principles have been implemented in Microsoft Azure. In addition, this course will take students through the process of implementing the core Azure infrastructure, consisting of virtual networks and storage. With this foundation, students will learn how to create the most common Azure services, including Azure virtual machines (VMs), Web Apps, and SQL Databases. The course will conclude by describing features of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and methods of integrating it with on-premises Active Directory.
Target audience.
This course is intended for individuals who want to evaluate deploying, configuring, and administering services and virtual machines (VMs) by using Azure. This includes:
- Developers who want to evaluate creating Azure solutions.
- Windows Server administrators who want to evaluate the migration of on-premises Active Directory roles and services to the cloud.
- IT professionals who want to evaluate the use of Azure to host websites and mobile app back-end services.
- Database administrators who want to evaluate the use of Azure to host SQL databases.
Before attending this course, students must have a background in IT. In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should already have the following technical knowledge:
- Understanding of how to deploy websites
- A basic understanding of virtualization
- A basic understanding of Active Directory concepts, including domains, users, and domain controllers
- A basic understanding of database concepts, including tables and simple queries
- Module 1: Getting started with Microsoft Azure
- This module introduces students to cloud services and the various Azure services. It describes how to use the Azure portal to access and manage Azure services, and to manage Azure subscription and billing.
- Module 2: Microsoft Azure management tools
- This module explains Azure PowerShell and its use in managing Azure subscriptions. It also describes how to use the Azure SDK and the Azure CLI to manage Azure subscriptions.
- Module 3: Virtual machines in Microsoft Azure
- This module explains how to create and configure virtual machines in Azure and how to manage disks for virtual machines.
- Module 4: Azure Web Apps
- This module explains how to create, configure, and monitor web apps in Azure.
- Module 5: Implementing Azure networking
- This module explains how to create and implement Azure networks and how to use their components to enhance the resiliency and availability of virtual machines.
- Module 6: Introduction Azure Storage and Data Services
- This module explains the features and benefits of Azure storage and data services.
- Module 7: Introduction to containers and serverless computing in Azure
- This module explains the options for implementing containers and describes the serverless technologies available in Azure.
- Module 8: Configuring and managing Azure AD
- This module explains how to create users, domains, and directories in Azure AD, integrate applications with Azure AD, and use Multi-Factor Authentication.
Täpsema kirjelduse leiad:
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Describe cloud computing, Azure, and Azure subscriptions.
- Use Azure PowerShell, the Azure Software Development Kit (SDK), and the Azure command-line interface (CLI) to manage Azure subscriptions.
- Create and configure virtual machines in Azure, and manage their disks.
- Create, configure, and monitor web apps in Azure and deploy Azure platform as a service (PaaS) cloud services.
- Create and configure Azure virtual networks.
- Create, manage, and configure cloud storage in Azure.
- Use Azure SQL Database to create, configure, and manage SQL databases.
- Create and manage Azure AD.
Kaido Järvemets
Kaido on arendaja, konsultant/koolitaja ning kommuunikujundaja ja blogija, spetsialiseerudes teemadele nagu Microsoft Enterprise Mobility +Security (Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Intune, Azure Information Protection, Configuration Manager) ja Microsoft Azure, PowerShelli automaatika.
Kaido kogemus tuleb suurte ettevõtetega töötamisest ning suurest kirest valdkonna ja uue tehnoloogiate analüüsi ja arendamise vastu. Tema huvi keskhalduse teemade vastu tagab talle alati värske siseinfo, mida ta jagab läbi koolituste ja blogipostituste.
Märkimisväärseid fakte:
– Omandanud Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) tiitli 2011 aastal, Microsoft Enterprise Mobility kategoorias (ainuke Baltikumis, üks 50-st maailmas);
– 10+ aastat tegevust;
– Pikaaegne spetsialiseerumine Microsoft Enterprise Mobility +Security (Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Intune, Azure Information Protection, Configuration Manager) ja Microsoft Azure, PowerShelli automaatika lahendustele.
Koolitushind sisaldab:
- klassikoolitust;
- Microsofti ametlikke õppematerjale;
- koolitaja konsultatsiooni õpitud teemade kohta e-posti teel pärast koolitust;
- tunnistust.
Lisaväärtusena saad:
- Microsofti eksami vautšeri
- vajadusel tasuta korduskoolituse kui tunned, et mõni oskus vajab täiendamist või pidid endast mittesõltuvatel põhjustel koolituse katkestama;
- sooje jooke koos küpsistega;
- lõunasööki igal koolituspäeval.
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