Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104T00)
During this four-days course IT Professionals will develop skills how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure and configure virtual networking. They will learn how to connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic and implement storage solutions. Students will also learn to create and scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back up and share data, and monitor your solution.
Target audience:
This course is for Azure Administrators. The Azure Administrator implements, manages, and monitors identity, governance, storage, compute, and virtual networks in a cloud environment. The Azure Administrator will provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.
This course is also suitable for IT professionals who want to become Azure administrators and/or understand what Microsoft Azure Administrator job role is all about (for example: System Administrators, Network Administrators, Developers, Cloud Architects, Database Administrators, Security Engineers) or the ones who are preparing for Microsoft’s AZ-104 exam.
It is designed as well for participants who have knowledge of other cloud platforms like AWS or Google cloud and want to explore Azure cloud service offerings.
Prerequisites to the course (recommended)
Successful Azure Administrators start this role with experience in virtualization, networking, identity, and storage.
- Understanding of on-premises virtualization technologies, including: VMs, virtual networking,
- and virtual hard disks.
- Understanding of network configurations, including TCP/IP, Domain Name System (DNS),
- virtual private networks (VPNs), firewalls, and encryption technologies.
- Understanding of Active Directory concepts, including users, groups, and role-based access
- control.
- Understanding of resilience and disaster recovery, including backup and restore operations.
Prerequisite courses (or equivalent knowledge and hands-on experience):
This free online training will give you the experience you need to be successful in this course.
- Azure Fundamentals part 1: Describe core Azure concepts – Learn | Microsoft Docs
- Azure Fundamentals part 2: Describe core Azure services – Learn | Microsoft Docs
- Azure Fundamentals part 3: Describe core solutions and management tools on Azure – Learn | Microsoft Docs
- Azure Fundamentals part 4: Describe general security and network security features – Learn | Microsoft Docs
- Azure Fundamentals part 5: Describe identity, governance, privacy, and compliance features
- Azure Fundamentals part 6: Describe Azure cost management and service level agreements
- AZ-104: Prerequisites for Azure administrators – Learn | Microsoft Docs
The training topics and description:
- Module 1: Identity
- In this module, you will learn how to secure identities with Azure Active Directory, and implement users and groups.
- Module 2: Governance and Compliance
- In this module, you will learn about managing your subscriptions and accounts, implementing Azure policies, and using Role-Based Access Control.
- Module 3: Azure Administration
- In this module, you will learn about the tools an Azure Administrator uses to manage their infrastructure. This includes the Azure Portal, Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, CLI, and Resource Manager Templates.
- Module 4: Virtual Networking
- In this module, you will learn about basic virtual networking concepts like virtual networks and subnetting, IP addressing, network security groups, Azure Firewall, and Azure DNS.
- Module 5: Intersite Connectivity
- In this module, you will learn about intersite connectivity features including VNet Peering, Virtual Network Gateways, and Site-to-Site Connections.
- Module 6: Network Traffic Management
- In this module, you will learn about network traffic strategies including network routing and service endpoints, Azure Load Balancer, and Azure Application Gateway.
- Module 7: Azure Storage
- In this module, you will learn about basic storage features including storage accounts, blob storage, Azure files and File Sync, storage security, and storage tools.
- Module 8: Azure Virtual Machines
- In this module, you will learn about Azure virtual machines including planning, creating, availability and extensions.
- Module 9: PaaS Compute Options
- In this module, you will learn how to administer serverless computing features like Azure App Service, Azure Container Instances, and Kubernetes.
- Module 10: Data Protection
- In this module, you will learn about backing up files and folders, and virtual machine backups.
- Module 11: Monitoring
- In this module, you will learn about monitoring your Azure infrastructure including Azure Monitor, alerting, and log analytics.
More detailed information about the training:
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Manage Azure identities and governance
- Implement and manage Azure Storage
- Deploy and manage Azure compute resources
- Configure and manage Azure virtual networking
- Monitor and back up Azure resources
Training Principles:
- The training is held in Estonian!
- Each learning module is supported by practical exercises with hands-on laboratories.
- The prerequisite for issuing the certificate is full participation in training.
- Access to the standalone exercise environment Microsoft Labs Online (MLO) for an additional fee.
Henn Sarv
Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
The training price also includes:
- study materials;
- a trainer’s consultation on the topics learned, by e-mail after the training;
- certificate.
As an added value, we offer:
- free parking;
- lunch;
- hot drinks with cookies;
- fresh fruits.
Koolitusfirma tutvustus
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