Kõik koolitused ühest kohast!


Everything important about the Estonian tax system

This training is designed to provide an overview of the Estonian tax system, including the key taxes and regulations that businesses and individuals need to know. The training will cover the basic principles of the Estonian tax system, including the concept of tax residency and the types of taxes that are levied in Estonia. The training will also provide practical guidance on how to comply with Estonian tax laws and regulations.

Target audience:
This training is suitable for foreign investors, entrepreneurs, accounting and finance professionals, expatriate employees, and anyone interested in learning more about the Estonian tax system.

Whether you are a foreign investor, entrepreneur, expatriate employee, or accounting and finance professional, this training will give you the knowledge and practical skills you need to navigate the Estonian tax system with confidence.


  • Overview and principles of the Estonian tax system
  • Types of taxes in Estonia: income tax, social tax, value-added tax (VAT), and excise duties
  • Filling out and submitting tax declarations
  • Paying taxes in Estonia and abroad
  • Violations of Estonian tax laws and sanctions

By the end of this training, you will have a solid understanding of the Estonian tax system, including:

  • The basic principles of the Estonian tax system
  • The types of taxes that are levied in Estonia, including income tax, social tax, value-added tax (VAT), and others
  • The tax residency rules and how they apply to individuals and businesses
  • The tax compliance requirements for businesses operating in Estonia
  • How to file and pay taxes in Estonia
  • The penalties for non-compliance with Estonian tax laws and regulations

Marko Saag Law Firm ATTELA, Partner I Attorney-at-law
Marko has been giving professional advice for more than 20 years and has published several articles and books, lectured on international tax law at university, and spoken in many seminars and conferences. The main fields of tax law, including international tax law, where Marko specialises are: Global tax management Holding structures Tax advice for M&A and corporate reorganisations Financing structures Investeeringute ja väljumiste struktureerimine Profit repatriation and loss utilisation strategies Gross border employment Permanent establishment and profit attribution VAT Transfer Pricing Tax litigation Marko also advises on commercial law, M&A, and banking and finance law. Structuring Due diligence Negotiations M&A Relations between shareholders Joint ventures Kapitali kaasamine Finantsasutuste nõustamine Makseasutuste nõustamine Marko is the author of Siirdehinnad Eestis (Transfer Pricing in Estonia) and co-author of Erisoodustused (Fringe Benefits). Marko is a lector of international taxation at TALTECH.

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Koolitusfirma tutvustus

Eesti Koolitus- ja Konverentsikeskus korraldab konverentse ja koolitusi, mille sisu loomisel keskendutakse ennekõike kliendi ootustele ning rahulolule. Loome aastas ligikaudu poolsada originaalset koolitust ning kümmekond visiooni- ja erialakonverentsi. Loen koolitusfirma kohta veel...

Osalen koolitusel

Everything important about the Estonian tax system

NB! Hetkel ei ole koolitusel aktiivset toimumisaega.
Kui soovid, et teavitaksime Sind, kui see või mõni sarnane koolitus taas toimumas on, siis palun jäta meile oma kontaktandmed ja täpsem soov.
Soovin teavitust kuni kuu jooksul.