Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure (AZ-800T00)
This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage core Windows Server workloads and services using on-premises, hybrid, and cloud technologies. The course teaches IT Professionals how to implement and manage on-premises and hybrid solutions such as identity, management, compute, networking, and storage in a Windows Server hybrid environment.
This four-day course is intended for Windows Server Hybrid Administrators who have experience working with Windows Server and want to extend the capabilities of their on-premises environments by combining on-premises and hybrid technologies. Windows Server Hybrid Administrators implement and manage on-premises and hybrid solutions such as identity, management, compute, networking, and storage in a Windows Server hybrid environment.
Before attending this course, students must have:
- Experience with managing Windows Server operating system and Windows Server workloads in on-premises scenarios, including AD DS, DNS, DFS, Hyper-V, and File and Storage Services
- Experience with common Windows Server management tools (implied in the first prerequisite).
- Basic knowledge of core Microsoft compute, storage, networking, and virtualization technologies (implied in the first prerequisite).
- Experience and an understanding of core networking technologies such as IP addressing, name resolution, and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
- Experience working with and an understanding of Microsoft Hyper-V and basic server virtualization concepts
- Basic experience with implementing and managing IaaS services in Microsoft Azure
- Basic knowledge of Azure Active Directory
- Experience working hands-on with Windows client operating systems such as Windows 10 or Windows 11
- Basic experience with Windows PowerShell
- Module 1: Identity services in Windows Server
- Module 2: Implementing identity in hybrid scenarios
- Module 3: Windows Server administration
- Module 4: Facilitating hybrid management
- Module 5: Hyper-V virtualization in Windows Server
- Module 6: Deploying and configuring Azure VMs
- Module 7: Network infrastructure services in Windows Server
- Module 8: Implementing hybrid networking infrastructure
- Module 9: File servers and storage management in Windows Server
- Module 10: Implementing a hybrid file server infrastructure
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Use administrative techniques and tools in Windows Server.
- Identify tools used to implement hybrid solutions, including Windows Admin Center and PowerShell.
- Implement identity services in Windows Server.
Learning methods: Practical exercise, independent work.
Assesment methods: Execution of independent work.
Assesment form: Independent practical tasks on relevant topics.
Andres Liitmaa
BCS Koolituse lektor. Kvalifikatsioon: möödunud aastatuhandesse ulatuva staažiga insener/arhitekt peamiselt mitmesuguse Microsofti serveritarkvara ja teenuste alal. Töökogemused pärinevad mõne- kuni mõnekümne tuhande töötajaga firmadest.
Price includes coffee breaks and lunch
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